Aroma Touch Training Event, Rituals Medi-Spa

Sunday, 12 August 2018 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST

712 N Elm St, High Point, NC, 27262, United States

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Registration/Payment Details Partial Approval - $25.00

Please pay $25 to reserve your spot and $124 on location when you arrive with cash or check (to Ami Shroyer). Thank you!

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Sunday, 12 August 2018 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST

Rituals Medi-Spa, 712 N Elm St, High Point, NC, 27262, United States.

Please join us for this Sunday course on August 12, 2018!

Beginning at 1:00, you will receive 3 hours of science and demonstration. We'll share in questions and conversation with a brief break together and some light snacks, followed by three hours of rotations in which you will give, recieve, and assist in the Aroma Touch while receiving hands-on training. We will close with learning and practicing the Aroma Touch Hand Technique — a benefit you can share with anyone — anytime, anywhere!

There will be time for personal Q & A throughout the day.

The cost is $149 for this course. Please pay the $25 deposit to secure your spot and bring the remaining $124 in a check (to Ami Shroyer) or cash on the day of training.

Cost covers the training, certification processes, an oil kit, and your entrance to a password-protected online training guide.

Bring with you:
* any additional snacks, water (it's a long day)
* 2 sheets (both can be flat or one flat one fitted)
* 1 pillow case
* a pillow or bolster (to prop up your legs while you are lying on the massage table)
* a button-down shirt or robe to use while getting on and off of the massage table modestly
* an enthusiastic heart and a teachable, serving spirit!
 I can't wait to see you for this special time of education and refreshment!

Thank you!

Ami Shroyer
Wellness Advocate, HCC, and ATT Trainer
*desiring wholeness in every home*

Ami Shroyer

Join the Aroma Touch Revolution with ATT Trainer, Ami Shroyer. Our mission: Aroma Touch in every home!

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